A more personal note, if I may … Yesterday, I sold the
mountain property I have been occupying in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western
North Carolina. This mountain place served as my primary residence for the past
ten years. Concurrently, and more importantly, the virtually untouched property
was developed to be a spiritual sanctuary where individual retreatants could
find a place of beauty, views, solitude, and spiritual comfort to pursue
whatever was their personal spiritual need in that moment. The mountain proved
highly successful in both aspects.
There are some things we choose to do. There are other
things – typically fewer but more substantive – that we are called upon to do.
This mountain sanctuary was a calling. When we are truly called to take some
new step in our life – be it short-term or long-term – we are also assured that
the sly hand of the Universe is shaping the direction, the process, and the
intended outcomes of all that are involved. So it was with this mountain
Many of us know what incidences of a Universe intervention
look like. An unexpected and unique idea suddenly presents itself “out of left
field.” A person makes a seemingly innocent remark that somehow alerts our
attention. The specific person or resource needed shows up at the exact time
required. Fast-moving events seem overwhelming, simply carrying us along in a
boat driven by Life’s rapids. Undeniable “coincidences” abound. The door to
what would prove to be a wrong direction closes; the door to clarity opens
widely to guide the path. What many believe could not occur is in fact happening,
piece by piece. A heretofore mental vision gradually emerges into realization
and actualization. “The stories one could tell” accumulate. So it was with this
mountain property.
The key to effecting these life events is developing the
sensitivity and mental sight that recognizes when we are in these moments. With
that recognition comes the need to surrender one’s self to the Universe’s lead.
We set our ego aside, defer our usual need to be “in control” of our life, and
hand the reins over to something intent on taking us to somewhere we cannot
fully see – revealed (if at all) only in gray shadows. Once that movement
starts, it is then about our staying out of the way, wrapping ourselves in patience.
We discern when to step in and do our piece, versus when to hang back and let
other forces do their pieces. We keep our balance steady, for the path is
alternately rocky and squishy. We accept that these experiences are not
designed for our comfort. Quite the contrary, they are typically intended to shock
us out of our comfortable equilibrium, and place our illusions and fears right
in front of us. It is an intended challenge to our beliefs, our lessons
learned, our arrogance, our confidence, and our skills. These moments often
feel like they are happening quickly and joltingly – almost spur-of-the-moment.
But in subsequent post-event reflection, we realize that they in fact developed
over time through a series of connected steps. As this process proceeds, we
watch it unfold with a combination of amusement, fascination, and awe.
These are not journeys for the faint of heart. These are
journeys designed to move us from where we are to where we need to be in the
judgment of the Universe. A place we would likely not see or select for
ourselves, but a journey and a place capable of teaching us much. By
definition, we only learn by replacing an existing thought with a new thought,
even as we may cling to prior beliefs. We only experience by putting ourselves
in a different place and/or circumstance; endless repetition leaves us
stagnating in a timeframe long gone. Separating ourselves from where we have
been and what we know, relinquishing the comfortable routine of familiarity,
can be difficult if not highly painful. Removing an anchor that has been a central
focus for 22 years can certainly leave one adrift in the moment. But this is
the true journey of our life, fueled by knowing that it is all intended and
A combination of factors and messages have conspired to tell
me it is time to now leave this mountain place. The sale closing was exactly 16
years to the day from when I purchased the property – a nice bookending coda
provided by the Universe. It has been a place surrounded by amazing people
doing meaningful things that have resulted in very special friendships. After
years of living the city life, in these economically poor but culturally rich
Appalachian mountains I found a re-grounding in basic human fundamentals, and a
deep sense of place. I leave simultaneously apprehensive and confident,
grieving yet celebrating, remembering yet imagining, glancing backward yet
looking forward, with appreciation for what has been and anticipation for what
will be.
At the beginning of this latest of the many transitions in
my life, I reminded the Universe that it had guided me into this special place
I have been fortunate to occupy and share for a time. Now it needed to guide me
back out again. So it has, in its own creative, exhausting, and deliberate way,
creating even more new stories to be told. This transition has also taught me another
important new lesson: the Universe does not play unilateral favorites. Every
Universe intervention draws in other assisting colleagues – who may or may not
be aware of their contributing role. The driving good that is intended for us
must also create good for each of these contributors – not be at their expense.
Therefore the processes and outcomes followed must accommodate all. We need to
be supportive of this multi-targeted effort for others as much as what is
intended for ourselves.
Every intervention by the Universe is simultaneously a
closing and an opening, an ending and a beginning. Whether the next phase of my
life is but a short step or another 20-year journey, I do not know. The
Universe will answer that as it moves me from an old ending to a new beginning.
© 2017
Randy Bell www.OurSpiritualWay.blogspot.com
Another good reminder about the journeys we are on and the benevolence of the intention regardless of the pain of change. Thank you.
Randy, you are such a good writer. That was beautiful.
So, R.M., what's your latest gig?? Had I read a similar post on Bracken's page, I would assume the Wayfarer's are back!!!
Good luck, Randy, wherever the universe takes you next.
Randy your message speaks directly to me today!!!
Interesting history. All the best, Randy, wherever your journey leads.
Congrats Randy
So good to hear your words (voice) again - coming up for air. Bitter-sweet for you no doubt.
What a nice essay, Randy … I'm sad that it's time to say Good-Bye to your beautiful mountain retreat, but happy for a Hello to Asheville full time and your next chapter. May all be well.
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