The news from America’s southern border continues to go from
bad to worse. After all the efforts yielding minimal results over the past two
years, now it is the children – infants through grade schoolers – living in 3rd-world
squalor without basic sanitary provisions, sleeping on concrete floors. Many
hundreds of kids locked up in cages, sequestered in an out-of-the-way facility
designed for a fraction of that number, its contents kept secret.
I fully accept that rational rules and processes should be
in place to regulate admission into this country. I also believe that our
obligation is to use those rules and processes to facilitate how many
immigrants we are able to bring in, not use them as a barrier to keeping people
out. This posture is in the spirit of the ancestors of each of us who
immigrated into this country from across the world, seeking the better life and
opportunities that America has always stood for – albeit an ideal not always
practiced in fact. Though I continue to have hope that long in the future our
aspirations for a world free of fear and filled with compassion for one another
may be fulfilled, I also accept that, in today’s world, adult human beings are
still capable of inflicting the most monstrous injustices and pain among one
But infant and growing children have no inherent
predisposition towards inflicting injustice and pain. Yet they are all too
often on the receiving end of such. Regardless of the decisions their parents may
have made; regardless of whether we agree or disagree with such things as a
“family separation policy”; these children have become the innocent pawns in an
unconscionable adult immorality play. If this kind of childhood suffering was
the result of some weather disaster or other emergency, FEMA, the Red Cross,
religious organizations, charity groups, and other “ad hoc do-gooders” would be
all over these victims, calling attention to their plight while bringing aid,
comfort and needed supplies. Instead, these groups are nowhere to be seen. Our
government claims “there is no money to cover these needs.” Yet boxes of
donated goods sit unopened at border gates, while government attorneys awkwardly
try to convince a skeptical panel of federal judges that toothbrushes and
toothpaste, soap and a bath, and clean clothing are not really required for
This situation is beyond malicious. It is cruel and inhumane
treatment towards a group of human beings unable to speak for, or defend,
themselves. We can let the adults continue to act out their political
stagecraft and carry on their interminable intellectual debates and speak their
untruths. But let every American parent take responsibility for the care of the
children that have been entrusted to our care – regardless of how they got here.
This is not an argument about immigration. These actions are
a moral argument, a challenge to the truth (or not) of our professed national character
and our personal religious values that admonish us to “care for the children
and the orphans.” Whatever our political fights, taking it out on the babies is
indefensible. For those who say they are committed to the right of each child
to be born, Part 2 of that commitment is ensuring that each child is then
protected, nourished, and developed regardless of his/her circumstances or
Yesterday I mailed an envelope with a copy of this essay,
along with a small toothbrush and tube of toothpaste, to the President of the
United States. That envelope and its contents will not solve this travesty. But
if that envelope should make it through the mail check process (questionable), maybe
someone will notice and care. Maybe some White House aide will send it along to
some scared, lonely, bewildered kid who needs it. Because we are better than
this. Better than the decisions we are making. The collective heart of the
American people is, and has always been, far better than this.
© 2019
Randy Bell
Yes, you are right on target once again. After hearing reports on NPR, I emailed our senators and my, regrettably far right, Congressman. My virtual pen did not hold back but I hope expressed my strong and deeply felt feelings about the administration’s abhorrent treatment of these defenseless children in a civilized manner. The blatant use of cruelty to gain the upper hand (?) in the border situation is a page from every repressive regime we claim to be better than.
What you did with the toothbrush and tooth paste - what a great way to gain attention. If hundreds of people could join you, there might be more movement. I trust even my poor efforts along with many other “Socialist Democrats “ may shake a few lawmakers up enough to put a stop to this outrageous behavior. Can you tell that I am 🤯😤🤬?
Peace is hard to come by at the moment, but I send you blessings for your courageous article and actions.
Thank you for your wise words and for your important gesture.
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